Turning 1990+2016
Er lavet som Brit POP
Søren Riis-Vestergaard har hjulpet med musikken i 1990 og lavet C-stykket
I mit 117 forsøg på at genskabe sangen i 2010-2016 har jeg fået hjælp af Arvid som synger og spiller bas m.m.
Den er landet et fedt sted!!!
I dont know - what you do for living
I´m, I´m sure, - I´m sure it´s forbitten
You walk the streets screaming at strangers
I´m a fool adictet to danger
You keep on turning my head around
just passing by
I feel that I could leave the ground
and you know why
You walk by - and everyone fears you
I see why but want to be near you
You keep on turning my head around
just passing by
I feel that I could leave the ground
and you know why
You belong on the other side
you belong in a dream
We could go on a magic ride
If you know what I mean
You keep on turning my head around
just passing by
I feel that I could leave the ground
and you know why